
  • Multistakeholder Partnership meeting of GASL at Kansas Manhattan

    • From: September 9, 2019 | To: September 12, 2019
    • Time: 8:00 am
    • Venue: Kansas State University , Manhattan

    The multistakeholder partnership (MSP) meeting of GASL was  held between September 9-12, 2019 in Manhattan, KS (USA), in collaboration with Kansas State University (KSU).

    The theme of this year’s meeting was “Innovation in Sustainable Livestock Systems.The 2019 Multi Stakeholder Partnership Meeting of the GASL featured plenary sessions, policy discussions, field tours, and network opportunities. More than 350 attendees from around the world, including ministers of agriculture, industry leaders, representatives of both governmental and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), attended the meeting .

    As a representative of the Life Network in the NGO Cluster and Guiding Group Member of the Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock (GASL), a Livestock Partnership hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Dr. Nitya Ghotge  was  invited participate in the meeting and share an example of innovation in sustainable livestock from India in the plenary session on Livelihoods and Economic Growth.

    The NGO Cluster also jointly presented a policy brief .


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