Livestock in Agroecology : an action research project to document and share different ways livestock contribute to promote agroecology


This project  looks at agro-ecological practices related to livestock species normally overlooked  by policy and research in the country as well as  in  areas that are  neglected  by mainstream development processes . The two species selected are buffalo and duck . The project is working   with the Van Gujjars in  Uttarakhand in the North, … Continue reading “Livestock in Agroecology : an action research project to document and share different ways livestock contribute to promote agroecology”

IndiaZooRisk+: Using OneHealth approaches to understand and co-develop interventions for zoonotic diseases affecting forest communities in India


This project responds to the global health system challenge of the high and evolving burden of zoonotic diseases in tropical forests linked to complex socio-political, ecological and environmental change drivers. Forest habitats are a significant source of zoonotic diseases as they support complex ecological communities, including high wildlife host and vector diversity. Through strong engagement … Continue reading “IndiaZooRisk+: Using OneHealth approaches to understand and co-develop interventions for zoonotic diseases affecting forest communities in India”

Bringing Visibility and Recognition to Women Livestock Farmers and Pastoralists & Their Knowledge.


Location: Maharashtra India  Collaboration : Several Partner NGO’s  Aim The aim of this project is to document the knowledge which women livestock keepers and pastoralists in Maharashtra have related to livestock rearing systems, livestock produce and processing, livestock breeding and health. This knowledge  will be brought out in the form of case studies and detailed … Continue reading “Bringing Visibility and Recognition to Women Livestock Farmers and Pastoralists & Their Knowledge.”

The HERDING Research Project


Sustainable development for pastoralist women in India: heritage, dignity and adaptations in times of rapid change Anthra is collaborating with the University of Leeds and the Centre for Pastoralism in a study  with and for women from Pastoral communities in India  India has a wide range of ecosystems that support mobile animal husbandry and is … Continue reading “The HERDING Research Project”

Mapping Rangelands and Pastoral Landscapes


Grasslands are a neglected landscape in the Indian context. Often termed as barren or wastelands by policy makers, scientists and development professionals, life in the grasslands has been poorly

Mobile And Solar


For some years now Anthra has been using mobile phones to reach mobile communities. We send sms’s regularly [attach link] to shepherds and farmers.

Reduction Of Antibiotic Use In Dairy Farming


Anthra is working closely with Katraj and Gokul Dairy cooperatives in the state of Maharashtra as well as several smaller dairies to develop a programme to reduce the use of antibiotics in dairy farming.