
  • Mapping Pastoralists In the Deccan

    • From: April 19, 2018 | To: April 19, 2018
    • Time: 10:30 am
    • Venue: Indian Institute of Education , Kothrud Pune

    How many  pastoral communities  are there in India ?  How many animals do they rear ? What animals do they rear ?Do they still practice their profession in the same way their  forefathers did ? Where do they live and how do they live ?  Where are their children born ? do their children go to school ?Do the women in the community have access to Maternal and Child Health ?

    While there is some localised information on these questions  available across several studies, on the whole  there is a surprising absence of  a lot of information with respect  to pastoralists in the country. There is even less data on demographic and other trends in pastoralist societies – is a younger generation of herders still herding? Is absentee-herding a growing phenomenon? Are educational levels influencing career choices within pastoral communities?  

    As part of a nation wide study that  seeks to understand the nature of such churn within pastoral societies across the country, Anthra in collaboration with the Center for Pastoralism is holding a  workshop  which will bring together  pastoralists , researchers and student  interns  to find  the best ways of gathering this information .

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